First Timer Details


  • Our camp community runs on a quarterly basis- campers are asked to sign up for a quarter once they have taken their first 4 week session (quarters are either 12 or 16 weeks long consisting of 3 or 4  four-week ‘sessions’ with a break week in between each session) to preserve the cohesion of our fitness community once they are returnee campers.
  • First time campers start with registering for their first 4 week session and can then decide whether it is a good fit to continue for the rest of the quarter at the end of their first session.  The next entry for first time campers will be MON, APRIL 21, 2025 at the start of our 16 week Spring/Summer Quarter.  Your first timer session will run 4 consecutive weeks.  If space allows, there will be a second 4 week session entry point for new campers on May 19 (note that camp runs Tues – Fri the week after Memorial Day).
  • Spring/Summer/Fall Quarter Details: We are in the park Monday THRU Thursday mornings for one hour at either 6:00am or 7:30am class times.  However, we are now asking first time campers to ramp up with the Mon – Wed ‘stationary’ mat based workouts for their first session only before they are invited as returnees in their next session to join the camper community for our unique ‘roving’ Thursday classes (as Thursdays require long running portions that may not always be a good fit for every camper).  So your first session signup will be for 12 days – or 3 days per week, for 4 weeks, Mon-Wed.
  • Note that every other Wednesday we will have Yoga with Julia integrated into the program (indoors at Lakewood-Seward Park Community Club in spring and in the park in the summer months as it gets warmer).
  • Camp class times are 6-7am or 7:30-8:30am.
  • We take a one week break between most sessions, but not always. See our full calendar HERE.
  • Campers who return to Booty Camp for future sessions receive a lower rate for all following sessions.
  • Southside Booty Camp takes place in the beautiful outdoor playgrounds of Seward Park. Specific meet up locations within the parks vary each day so look for an email for exact details once your sign-up is complete.

SEWARD PARK CAMP TIMES: 6:00am and 7:30am Mon, Tues, Wed for your first time camper session.  For your second returnee session you can join the returnee community on Thursdays for our ‘roving’ workouts as well if it is a good fit for you.


First Timer Session Cost:  $264 or $22 per class for 4 weeks of camp.

**Once you have completed your first session, you can access our full 4 days per week program. You will also be able to choose your schedule and the cost goes down to only $15-$17 per camp day depending on whether you will attend 3 or 4 days per week.**

Please note that retail sales tax is not included in the above pricing but will be added when your registration is processed.


You will need a yoga type floor mat, a set of 5 lb. weights, a soft handled exercise band (here is an option), and it is recommended to have some running or cross-training type shoes that are good for all terrain. Target or Fred Meyer or Goodwill are good places to look for these items.


If you must cancel your session, you may get a full refund if you cancel by the Friday before your Booty Camp session starts. After that Friday your session is NOT refundable, although you may postpone your camp to another session. After camp starts there are no refunds, but if you must cancel during the session due to serious illness or injury with a doctor’s note you may be eligible to make up your remaining camp days in the next session on a case by case basis.

However, for first time Booty Campers, for their first session only, any 2 Camp days you know you will already have to miss may be made-up or credited towards your next session IF you arrange this before your session starts.



We hope that through participation in Southside Booty Camp each woman will be inspired to take their fitness seriously, honor their bodies, shake their booties and always follow their dreams!

Want to learn more? Read our Why Choose Booty Camp? page.