
Recipe for Recovery

As you start to work the body in all new ways we also need to assist the body recover.  It is our bodies ability to adapt to change which indicates our fitness level.  As we make strides in our fitness we should become experts at providing the best environment possible for adaptations to take place swiftly and with ease.  Here are my best strategies that I incorporate on a regular basis.

1.  Epsom salt baths – 2 cups salt in your bath, soak for 20 minutes.  Also showers ending with cold water are helpful.  AND ICE ice ice…. ice is healing… so use liberally and often!
2.  Take vitamin C and Cal/Mag.. take these at bedtime to help speed recovery and boost your immune system… and bonus: they also help with sleep!
3.  Drink lots of water.  Hint: If you want to gently prime your body for fat burning add fresh lemon juice or 100% cranberry juice to your water to give your liver a little help.
4.  Walk or do some light movement to work out the lactic acid.
5.  Take a yoga class on the weekend or stretch at home.
6.  Get a massage.  Make massage is a monthly practice.  Not in the budget?… What can you shift?
7.  Eat whole foods, greens, and get your protein!

8. SLEEP.  So very important.  Its hard to get into the early morning groove so we can wind up depleted towards the end of the week.  Maybe an afternoon nap or turning off social media and trying to get an earlier start on our zzz time.

Do ALL of these on a regular basis, incorporate recovery strategy into your life and your body will thank you and you will be ready for more and anything else life throws at you!  Pay attention to recovery and you will have less illness overall.  As you tax your body like you never have before, it will need extra assistance.  Give it what it needs.. its the only body you have.. and it is a wonder.. it will take you places you never have been and back if you support it fully!