Today is a BIRTH DAY. No it’s not our fearless leader Jessica’s Birthday (although stay tuned for the upcoming Booty Camp 5th year anniversary party!). Today we are honoring Booty Camp Sponsor and Camper Marge Mansfield and her organization Seattle Home Maternity Service and Childbirth Center.
Located in Columbia City, this is the oldest practice and birth center in the state. Marge is one of the founders!
Some of you may know Marge as your fellow camper in Stephanie’s 6:15 class. When she’s not doing her reps with you at camp she is working with women all around Seattle since the late 1970’s to have satisfying and empowering births.
“Brilliant” is what Marge calls Southside Booty Camp’s outdoors exercise experience. She makes connection between her work and SSBC through empowerment, education and community building. Marge appreciates how SSBC gives women tools you can use anywhere for their own personal fitness.
“Midwifery care is a different kind of care…it’s client driven” she says. Marge wants everyone to know the breadth of options available to pregnant women. For example, did you know?
– Most Midwives offer a free consultation
– With a Midwife you can give birth at home, in a birth center, or in a hospital
– Midwives are covered by essentially all health insurance plans, including Group Health and state Medicaid
Marge reminds us that Seattle is an incredible place for options: “you deserve to have a care provider who is responsive to your needs and concerns.” She advises – not to accept a care provider who doesn’t know or can’t tell you:
– her/his c-section rate
– time you can expect her/him at your bedside,
– If she/he is open to having a doula present
What to do if that happens? Marge says “It’s never too late to change providers. If you’re not comfortable, fire them! Look for someone who’s right for you.”
For new parents she stresses a healthy recovery and adjustment time, validating self-care; trust yourself and your ideas of your body’s capacity, “come home to that trust” she reminds pregnant women and new moms.
Want more information for you or a friend? Check-out these resources:
Contributed by Camper Becka Tilsen