
Recipe for Recovery

As you start to work the body in all new ways we also need to assist the body recover.  It is our bodies ability to adapt to change which indicates our fitness level.  As we make strides in our fitness we should become experts at providing the best environment possible for adaptations to take place swiftly and with ease.  Here are my best strategies that I incorporate on a regular basis.

1.  Epsom salt baths – 2 cups salt in your bath, soak for 20 minutes.  Also showers ending with cold water are helpful.  AND ICE ice ice…. ice is healing… so use liberally and often!
2.  Take vitamin C and Cal/Mag.. take these at bedtime to help speed recovery and boost your immune system… and bonus: they also help with sleep!
3.  Drink lots of water.  Hint: If you want to gently prime your body for fat burning add fresh lemon juice or 100% cranberry juice to your water to give your liver a little help.
4.  Walk or do some light movement to work out the lactic acid.
5.  Take a yoga class on the weekend or stretch at home.
6.  Get a massage.  Make massage is a monthly practice.  Not in the budget?… What can you shift?
7.  Eat whole foods, greens, and get your protein!

8. SLEEP.  So very important.  Its hard to get into the early morning groove so we can wind up depleted towards the end of the week.  Maybe an afternoon nap or turning off social media and trying to get an earlier start on our zzz time.

Do ALL of these on a regular basis, incorporate recovery strategy into your life and your body will thank you and you will be ready for more and anything else life throws at you!  Pay attention to recovery and you will have less illness overall.  As you tax your body like you never have before, it will need extra assistance.  Give it what it needs.. its the only body you have.. and it is a wonder.. it will take you places you never have been and back if you support it fully!


Notes on doing a DIY Gentle Cleanse

I had a great time last night giving the Detox talk for Southside Booty Camp. A special thanks to camper Julie who graciously opened her home and was a lovely host! Jessica asked me to write a little something to highlight some of the things I touched on during the talk last night for those who were unable to attend.

Spring is a great time to plan an intentional detox or cleanse for yourself. It is a season of transition, physically and energetically, from inward to outward. We see this in the animals and plants around us as they emerge from hibernation and the comforts of the soil. That which has been stored over winter may no longer serve us in Spring. A detoxification plan can work to facilitate this transition physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The goals of a DIY gentle Cleanse include:

· Something that can be easily added into your daily routine

· Optimize and support all the organs of Elimination

· Decrease your Total Body Burden by Minimize intake of toxins, Mobilize toxins, and Maximize excretion of toxins

· Address the physical, mental, and spiritual realms

If you are under the care of a physician or following a medication regimen, please inform your health care provider that you are planning on doing a light detox as it may shift the metabolism of certain prescription medications.

Plan ahead and pick a time to start. You can do this detox for 1 to 3 weeks .

Our primary organs of elimination include: Skin, Lungs, Kidney, Colon/Liver, and Mind. Below are some suggestions to optimize function of each, this is not an all-inclusive list, but some of what we touched on during the talk last night:


· Minimize toxic load from your skin care products. Take a look at the Environmental Working Group’s latest post on how to read product labels and know what chemicals to avoid

· Dry Skin Brushing before bed


· Decrease exposure to chemical irritants including strong perfumes and pollution

· Deep breathing after exercise, as part of a meditation practice, or relaxing before bed


· Take a break from coffee, soda, alcohol (it doesn’t have to be cold turkey)

· Substitute green tea, coconut water, or herbal teas


· Minimize toxins in your food. Use the “Dirty Dozen/Clean 15” to prioritize organic picks

· Castor Oil Packs 3-4 nights per week to tonify the Liver


· Pick one or two food groups to eliminate from your diet. These may be foods that you are suspicious or curious about it’s effect on your body and energy. Some ideas to start with: gluten, dairy, corn, soy, nightshades, citrus.

· Increase your fiber intake. Your goal should be 25-30 grams per day. It is best if fiber comes from fresh vegetables such as broccoli, artichokes, beets, dark leafy greens, turmeric, burdock, onions, garlic.


· “Unplug” your cell phones, TV, computers, etc 30 minutes earlier in the evening

· Clear the clutter of your mind and your home (maybe organize a goodwill drop-off)

These are very basic fundamental suggestions, a place to start. Following these tips will point you (and your body) in the right direction toward enhancing your body’s ability to Detoxify that which you no longer need.

For those of you who were unable to join us last night and are interested in learning more, I will be hosting a Detox class at my office, Tilia Natural Health, on Wednesday evening April 20 6-8pm. This class will go into more depth and detail about detoxification plans. You can learn more about it:

In health,

Jamine Blesoff, ND, & Booty Camper Extraordinaire!

Special Events

The Snowshoe

We decided on Lower Gold Creek off the Hyak exit and wound up with a great day – no rain and with some very odd warm tropical gusts of wind! We had a small adventure.. when we arrived at a large pond.. a woman not in our group had sat down for lunch and when she tried to get back up somehow her skis wound up slipping out from under her and running out on to the middle of the pond. She was not interested in attempting anything to retrieve them but our intrepid campers suggested retrieving a canoe they had seen on the side of an empty chalet… we went back, the canoe was locked.. but did find a very long pole with a rake attached and a sled.. and with these the skis were retrieved!


It’s what’s for Breakfast #3

This is an easy, no mess meal that incorporates protein, omegas, green, and complex carbs.  A  perfect way to start your day right!  The ingredients:  Eggs, Frozen Peas, Flax Oil, Salt and Pepper.

Hard-boil the eggs  (Personally I like to boil for one minute, then turn down to low and leave for 5 minutes for the perfect soft but not runny inside).  Warm the peas – no need to boil these, they are better when lightly simmered until  just plump and bright green, and rinse with cold water.

Fork up the eggs,   mix the peas in, stir in a tablespoon of omega rich flax oil and salt and pepper to taste.  Voila!


Meet Black Doily

Black Doily creates design for print and web and is one of our Season Sponsors here at Southside Booty Camp.  If you check out their website, they impress one as a youthful, cutting-edge design company, which is all true.  I was lucky enough to grab coffee with Quintella and Rodney Pruitt the other day and was immediately impressed by warmth and sincerity of these fabulous graphic artists who are Black Doily.

You might know that they are responsible for our logo, holiday calendar cards and t-shirts.  Here’s some stuff I bet you didn’t know.  Quinn (a former Seward Park Booty Babe) and Rodney moved here from North Carolina in 2007, each having worked in graphic design and production for over 10 years!  As the demand for their freelance design work increased, they left their day jobs, stepped out and formed Black Doily in January 2010.

Black Doily has built a name serving small and local businesses like Southside Booty Camp.  Not every small business knows what they need to present professionally in the advertising world.  Black Doily wants to help.  They offer design for print and web, search engine optimization, social media integration as well as connecting clients with local print vendors and (my fave!) use earth friendly printing solutions!  They also build websites using modern standards that value and maximize usability and accessibility.

Black Doily is a sponsor for Southside Booty camp because we see it as a dual opportunity to support localism and strengthen women-owned businesses in the region.”

Rodney and Quinella Pruitt

– Quinn and Rodney Pruitt

Black Doily Logo

(206) 455-0110

8560 Greenwood Ave N

PMB 611

Seattle, WA 98103



Someone recently said that I was hardcore.

I realized that I had a negative reaction to this.

I have never conceived of my self this way.  I think that reaction came from the feeling that hardcore must mean different, unapproachable, not human somehow, separate from the rest…  And this is something I don’t want to be… as one of my deepest desires and threads in my life journey is community.

I have always ‘just done things’… and those things lead to other things… unfolding, and showing me the next place to go.  I have followed my nose… not a path that said this way to being hardcore.  Our bodies are made to move, and as I get my body back more and more fully from the ravages of a society that does not support it’s awareness, well being and use, I find that I am drawn to certain kinds of fun.  Ones that give me more energy for the rest of my life.  As well as eating and drinking like my life depended on it!

I have noticed that from the outside these practices, activities and ways of being may look scary, edgy, unattainable and sometimes anti-social.  I also notice that happy and healthy can be reactive for many… and yet inspiring for others.  I do hope to inspire and to join with others who want to go for their full selves and bodies too.  This is my passion and path.  Finding out what my body likes to do and can do is part of that path.

Won’t you join me in being “hardcore” ?!

Here is a little song to inspire you:

Hardcore Person by Rob Gee

– Jessica


It’s what’s for Breakfast!

We got Ruby Red Heirloom Jasmine Rice.. or any hearty rice or grain will do.. try quinoa for max protein punch. For beauties sake quinoa comes in a red variety too! Make a big pot of grains at the beginning of the week and you are set.

Goat Yogurt is my favorite and more digestible by humans because the fat particles are naturally homogenized.

Flax Oil for those happy Omegas and its awesome nuttiness. Remember to add flax oil after the yogurt is mixed cooling it down a bit as it is very sensitive to heat.

I added slivered almonds as well.

If you need sweet add fresh or dried fruit but I love the slightly savory side that flax oil adds.